
Airports and Sunsets

airport photos

Airport Photos from Around the World

Airport Photos – A Collection Airports aren’t always the most photogenic places, although there are some that are pretty nice.  Changi Airport is spectacular, and the Qatar Airways business class lounge in Doha is amazing.  Tiny, quirky airports are fun, too and we’ve seen a few of those on our travels in Africa, the Pacific […]

Sunset - Playa Zancudo

Sunset Photos From Around the World

Sunset Photos – a Collection As our blog title suggests, we love a good sunset.  Taking the time to enjoy a sunset is one of the joys of travel.  Sunset photos are one of the great travel cliches, but we take them anyway.  We’ll gather them here for other sunset enthusiasts and those who are […]

A Week in San Francisco and the East Bay

This is the story of a hastily-planned Christmas break adventure in which we embrace some touristic cliches. We’ll give you some ideas for your own week in San Francisco, but first some history: California Days When we first moved to the United States (back to the United States for Heide) in 2005, it was to live […]

Sydney Harbour Bridge at night

A Sydney Stopover – Tips and Memories

This post will give you some great ideas about how to spend a Sydney stopover.  I’ll also share some of my personal experiences with this great city. Sydney, place of my birth I was born in Sydney, and lived there for the first five years of my life. We didn’t move too far away at […]

What’s all this, then? Yet another travel blog …

What is this? So, we have finally got ourselves organized and set up a travel blog.  We’ll keep you up to date on the travels of Andrew, Heide and Lachlan – past, present and future.  We are planning a Big Trip starting in June 2019, but in the meantime we’ll tell you about some places we’ve […]

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