What’s all this, then? Yet another travel blog …
What is this?
So, we have finally got ourselves organized and set up a travel blog. We’ll keep you up to date on the travels of Andrew, Heide and Lachlan – past, present and future. We are planning a Big Trip starting in June 2019, but in the meantime we’ll tell you about some places we’ve been and where we manage to get to on vacations. We’ll throw in some advice and tips and tricks we’ve picked up along the way. We’ll share our Opinions which you may find useful if you’re heading to any of the same places we’ve been. If you do follow in our footsteps, write a comment and tell us all about it and whether we got it right or wrong.
Why a travel blog?
Frankly, the last thing the world needs is another travel blog (this post from the ever-awesome Yomadic blog explains this better than I can). Hopefully we can bring some perspective and first-hand information to the table, along with some cool pics. If nothing else, this will help us keep our friends and family updated on our adventures.
What’s in a name?
With so many travel blogs out there (see previous paragraph), it can be hard to find a good name. We had to discard several good ideas that were already taken, until we came up with “Airports and Sunsets”. These are two things that are pretty much unavoidable when you travel (or at least they are for us when when we travel).

IAH car park rooftop at sunset
What Can I See on This Blog?
Right now you can read about our summer road trip through Utah’s national parks, our family safari to South Africa and Swaziland, or you can look at some pretty pictures from our travels all over the place. And stay tuned for reports from our Big Trip starting in June 2019 …